She is doing well, our family is adjusting (read that as Lil J is getting better with her lol). Of course, she is only a month old, but we are trying to figure out a routine. Even if that means knowing how she likes things, doing things the same way so that she can learn that certain things mean something else will follow.
I am not looking forward to the cold weather though, we have gotten a few tastes of it this past week, and I really don't like having to figure out how to keep her warm. Bulky jackets or buntings are out. So, I have been putting her in a cardigan sweater and a hat, and then putting 2 blankets on top. It is a very short walk to the car. So, I am pretty sure she is warm enough.
I am sure as the weather gets much colder, I will figure something else out - I do have a b.undle me, but it is not cold enough for that yet.
She is doing great at night. She does get up, but she can go 4 - 4.5 hours, and she usually feeds around 11 or 12, so really, she is just getting up once a night. Plus, she goes RIGHT back to sleep. Which is great!!!! She also sleeps for a 2-3 hours stretch every afternoon. So, even if we have a semi rough night, I know that I can get some sleep when she takes her afternoon nap.
Totally hoping that she will continue taking the afternoon nap, because Lil J takes an afternoon nap and it would be great if they were on a similar schedule.
So - enough writing - here are some pics from this morning.
Stop bragging!! =) That's awesome!
We are almost 2 months is and barely getting a sense of what's coming next. It's all good though!
She has such big sneakers on lol. Love it!
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