Out of 5 siblings, 3 of us were pregnant, and due within 6 weeks of each other. Well, my one sister had her baby ON her due date, how cool is that. Now, I don't want to be anywhere near my due date when I have my baby, but cool for her.
She had a little girl, named her Anna. I hate that I can not meet her for a while. But, it is not like my sister does not understand. She is cute, from what I have seen in pics. I think it is so cool that the cousins will be so close in age.
35 Week Appointment
It is kinda funny that I am calling it my 35 week appointment. Because ever since I was put on bedrest, nothing is on a scheduled weekly appointment. Sometimes I go in once a week, sometimes twice. And, it hardly matches up with my weeks change. I will be 35 weeks tomorrow, so close enough.
I have been having contractions now for a while, but not enough to take the meds (more than 5 an hour), so each appointment I am hooked up to the monitors.
Today I had a scan, for a few reasons - check to see if the baby is still breech, check the weight, check the fluid, etc.
Well, the baby finally flipped and is now head down - was breech since about 17 weeks. This I am so happy for. Will still get another scan before delivery to make sure the baby is STILL head down.
And, we have another BIG baby. At 35 weeks (well tomorrow) the baby weighs 6 pounds 12 oz. Holy Moly that is one big baby. Cora was born at 37 weeks and was 7 pounds, that is another 2 weeks from now.
Everything else on the scan looked good.
After the scan I had appoinment at the office. Was hooked up to the monitors. Having lots of contractions, but even though they show up on the monitor, they are pretty irregular. Had some really painful contractions last night too. Doctor is calling it "irritable uterus"
The doctor did an internal, and guess what - - - already 2 cm dilated. I was nothing last week. Guess those painful contractions did something last night.
The doc said that at this point, if the contractions keep going, or get painful again, give them a call. They basically said that they will not stop contractions at this point. I have been really crampy since coming home, but I don't really think it means anything.
I have to look back at last year to see when I was 2 cm with Cora, even though I know that I could be 2 cm for weeks.
So, for your viewing pleasure - Baby N (yup, that is the name - we really don't have much of a list either) The pics are not that great, especially since the face takes up the whole frame LOL. But, you get the idea
1 comment:
what a cute and chubby little face! Love it!
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