Monday, September 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Cora

Today is Cora's 1st Birthday! Wow, what a year. We have her 1 yr doc appointment next week so I don't know exactly how much she weighs, or how tall she is. But, last week she was at the docs for a follow-up and she weighed 25 lbs 6 (?) oz. I was not there due to my bedrest, so I am not positive about the oz.

She is such a big girl, doing big girl things. She is 100% formula free and doing great on issues at all. We also got rid of the bottle, except for the one right before bedtime. But, this one is more of a comfort thing, so not really a big deal (to me) that she still has it.

Also taking a few steps..nothing to call walking, but I am sure she will be ther soon.

We have been teaching her tricks too, yup like a trained dog lol. She know so many, too many to list.

The past year has gone so fast.

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