Friday, September 17, 2010

Appointment Update - transverse

I have been on bedrest for 3 weeks now due to pre-term labor. Was admited to the hospital at 32W. Was in the hospital for a few days, only to go back a few days later. Was sent home on strict bedrest and meds to stop contactions.

Have been going to the docs 2x a weeks since then. While I hate it, it is the only time I was allowed to leave the house.

Had an appointment today. Still on bedrest, but only for a little while longer.

Baby was breech for a while, moved head down at the last scan, and that little bugger flipped again. Only now the baby is transverse. Transverse baby totally equals c-section. But, maybe the baby will still flip again (and again).

Still having tons of contractions, have them all day every day. But, they are not regular, or consistently spaced apart.

But the GOOOOOOOD news is that my bedrest will be (mostly) lifted at 36 weeks, which is this coming Wednesday. He still wants me to "take it easy" but, I can sit up instead of laying down ALL THE TIME, could run to do quick errands, walk around the house a bit, etc, etc. He actually said (joking) "you can go out dancing for all I care" meaning that at 36 weeks it was totally fine for me to deliver.

I had Cora at 37W3D, so it is not like that is too far away either. I can't believe that I will have another baby in the house - very soon. Guess we should get working on that name list LOL.

So, there is my update :)

I know I should not google, but here is some info I found on Transverse Position (AKA fun times):

Transverse Lie

If the fetus remains in a transverse lie, it cannot deliver deliver vaginally as the diameter of the fetal presenting part (the whole body, in this case) cannot descend through the birth canal.

If labor is allowed to continue for enough time with the fetus in transverse lie, the uterus will rupture. Even before the uterus ruptures, there is an increased risk in this presentation for prolapsed umbilical cord. For these reasons, women found to have a transverse lie in labor will usually have a cesarean section.

Whenever a fetal transverse lie is encountered near term or in labor, evaluate the patient carefully with ultrasound to determine if there are any predisposing factors, such as a placenta previa or pelvic kidney that could modify your management of the patient. So long as a placenta previa is not present, many obstetricians will check the patient's cervix at frequent intervals to detect early cervical dilatation and the consequential increased risk of cord prolapse. Sometimes, these patients are delivered early by scheduled cesarean section to avoid that risk.

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