Friday, May 22, 2009

OK - I think I might be ready to share

I am still super nervous about this pregnancy. But, with each u/s I start to be a tad more relaxed.

I had a scan today which was a follow-up to my scan last week. She could not get good measurements of something because of the position of the baby. Heck, I will never turn down a scan, so yeah for me.

I got a 1/2 way decent picture of the baby's face so I thought I would share.


  1. Absolutely precious! I'm so glad you have "moments" of relaxation. It's the most terrifying thing ever, isn't it? Have you started feeling movement yet? I hope J's situation works out and that you get to adopt him!! Heck, at this point, your adoption might be final before mine!! =)

  2. Hello- I read your blog all the time, and am so happy for you!
    That is a beautiful picture, you must be so excited...Do you know what you are having?
