Friday, January 2, 2009

Scheduled the 1st Home Inspection :)

Spoke to our worker this week. ya know to ask what the status of everything was. We are still waiting on our local police report and the police report from my previous town.

Kind of funny that the two things that are needed are from two small towns. Does not surprise me, expecially since there were holidays in there. Last year I hit a deer and it took over a month to get that police report because the ONE person that does it was on vacation.

Previously, she told us that we could not schedule the first of two home inspections until all the paperwork was submitted. She said that was because the state inspection must be within a certain time frame from her inspection. I guess she thinks these reports will be submitted soon because she scheduled our 1st home inspection for Monday. The home inspection is really the last step of the home study.

She has been to our house several times and did a "once over" to see if there were any OBVIOUS reasons why we would fail home inspection. But on Monday she is really looking at the house with a fine tooth comb. She wants to make sure the house will pass when the state comes out for their inspection.

Our house is very recently renovated so I don't think there will be any big things. We have locked up the meds and put the cleaners up high. We bought brand new smoke and CO2 detectors and had the fire dept check our fire extingishers.

To be honest, the thing that I am most concerned about is our 100 yr old cast iron radiators. The only thing that is putting me at ease is the fact that about 75% of my town have these same radiators. And I KNOW there are other resource families in our town.

So, this weekend we will be doing another good clean job - but not too clean as was suggested by another resource family. And to be honest, we will declutter the house, clean up the kitchen, wipe down the bathroom, make sure all the beds are made, etc. I was told that state inspectors are a little leary about super clean houses. I guess they wonder what will happen when kids come in and mess up the house.

Oh - also, the room has to be set up. We have a crib and we are getting a set of bunks tomorrow. The bunks are actual beds that just stack as bunks. We are going to just set one up and the crib. This was we are not putting together two beds and it turns out that we only need one.

I will take some pics this weekend when it is all done. But, it will really just be semi-done because we will do most of the decorating once we get placement.

So, yay - moving forward

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