Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Colin has officially passed 8th grade

The past few weeks have been hard. Colin still failed one class for the 4th marking period. BUT - he passed every class for the year.

Hard work does pay off.

As of a few weeks ago, he was failing 3 classes for this marking period and there was the possibility that he would fail classes for the year. If he failed any classes for the year, he would need to go to summer school.

So, he passed all his classes for the year = no summer school.

I really think the contract worked. It made him feel like he had a say in the course of action. He is writing me another one for the summer. I guess we will have one forever! It worked for us.

YAY! - 9th grade here we come!

UPDATE: I bought Colin a new wireless guitar for his guitar hero game. His guitar has not worked in several weeks. I gave it to him as a graduation present - and a gift for a job well done. Here he is rocking out on the guitar - look how fast his fingers move!!!! I made the video with my regular camera and did not know it recorded sound. If I knew - I probably would have kept my mouth shut!.

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