Friday, April 4, 2008

Follow-up Appointment and beta level

Cross-posted from my other blog.

I met with my RE today as a mini-consult after my m/c. We talked about the possible reasons why I m/c. But, he also said that we may never know - which I am fine with.

We also talked about our next course of action. Since I will be traveling from April 25 - May 5 and then again May 14-18, it is possible that we may miss an IUI window.

So, I flat out asked him about doing Clomid on my own with timed intercourse (TI). Since there is the possibility that I would have no monitoring during the begining of the cycle I was not sure what he would say.

He said "OK"!!! He also said that I should come into the office as much as I can either before my first trip or in between the two trips. He also said that it was safe to do the Clomid and TI withoout monitoring for one cycle. Of course he does not recommend more than one cycle without monitoring. I agree with this.

He also gave me an Rx for Progesterone. My levels were over 10 at each beta - which is the minimum that they like to see. But, my levels were 11, 12, 14, etc - so not much higher than 10. Since progesterone will not hurt a pregnancy, he said might as well take it.

So, here is the plan if we are unable to do the IUI because of the timing issues:

+ wait until my first period after the D&C
+ take Clomid on days 5-9 + Start OPKs on day 10
+ TI when OPK is positive
+ Progesterone starting 3 days after the positive OPK - take until told to stop

I am so glad that he said OK to the clomid - because I was thinking about taking it anyway.

I also asked him about this "cycle". I asked him if it would be safe if I got pregnant again before I got a period after the D&C. He said it was perfectly safe and the only reason why they say to wait until you get a period after the D&C is for dating reasons. If I get pregnant before I get an actual period, they would not have a "last period" to base your due dates on. He said in that case, they would just wait until the betas are at a certain level and then do an u/s. The u/s would date the pregnancy and then your "last period" would just be calcualted for you. This date is not important in the RE world, only in the OB world.

So, I am hoping that I will be able to get pregnant before I actually get my post-D&C period, or maybe even with the clomid alone.

I know that these methods have not worked for me in the past - but I am trying to stay hopeful.

ALSO - just got my beta level back. It is only 57!!!!! That is a drop of over 800 points in one week. I never thought I would be excited to have a dropping beta. My beta was never that low. Even at 16dpiui it was in the 300s.


  1. Ya for getting to try again. I am sure you are nervous andhopeful at the same time. I am glad your RE said you could do a unmonotered cycle of Clomid. That is great! I am also happy to hear your beta is getting lower. Hopefully in a week you can get AF, or be pg? ;) ((((HUGS)))) to you.

  2. I'm so happy you got the green light to do Clomid on your own. Good luck and have fun BD'ing!!!!!
