Friday, December 14, 2007

DPO ???

I can honestly say I had to look at my chart to see what DPO it was. I have been really busy the past few days so I lost track. I can totally understand why people stress out over the 2WW. I am only 4 DPO and can't believe how much longer I have to go.

I actually only have one HPT (internet cheapie) in the house - and I think I may have gotten it wet at some point. Which means that I either have to buy more now and test, test, test starting at 10 DPO...... or wait until I am at at least 14 DPO and buy one. Gee, let's see what do you think I will do???

I hate buying them in the dollar store though. I feel like a teenager trying to sneak out and get a pregnancy test. I always get the cashier that gives me "the look". You know, the look of "why the hell is she buying 10 pregnancy tests" or "Can't she afford a real test" or "it only takes one test". I am sure everyone has been given "the look".

And, or course, I refuse to buy a "real" test unless I am sure it will be a positive result. Pregnancy test are EXPENSIVE!!

1 comment:

  1. The dollar tree tests were the best for me! I think I got a positive at like 8 DPO with them and the First Response was negative. Why pay more?

