Monday, October 22, 2007

One year ago today

OK - while I am kind of keeping track of my cycles, I swear this was by complete accident. I was looking for something in a message board profile that I have and realized that I took my last BCP one year ago today.

I seriously never thought it would be one year later and I would still not be pregnant. My husband and I always knew that we were going to have our children close together. That said, I thought that I would have gotten pregnant right away and by this time this year would be thinking about a second baby.

It kind of hits you like a ton of bricks. Yes, I KNOW there are tons of women out there (even on the message board that I frequent) that have been trying for MUCH longer than a year. It does not make me feel any better though.

We wanted to wait the full year before we saw a specialist, we will be going in November. I just was really thinking that it would work within the year.

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